Top Digital Marketing Trends To Look Out For in 2019

Now that we’re well into the new year, the top digital marketing trends of 2019 are starting to become increasingly apparent. To survive in the digital age, it’s crucial that you keep up with the latest changes and adapt your business accordingly. Luckily, you’ve stumbled upon this blog. Here are the top digital marketing trends to look out for in 2019.

Protecting Data

2018 was a year plagued with data scandals, the most well-known being the Cambridge Analytica Facebook ordeal (you know, the one where they sold Facebook users’ information to the Trump campaign). A direct result of all the scandals that took place last year is an increased concern regarding data protection and privacy regulation.

Marketers need to have a solid understanding of the rules surrounding information that can be collected and what is crossing the line.


Today we have an abundance of easily accessible customer information, thanks in part to machine learning and AI. As marketers, we need to leverage this information and use it to create personalized experiences for customers.

On the flip side, modern-day consumers have come to expect personalization from all the brands they interact with. This can be accomplished through the use of omnichannel strategies and mobile apps have been particularly effective at creating personalized experiences. Personalization is an area you definitely don’t want to slack off on this year!

Voice Search

From Alexa to Siri to Google Assistant, voice search is everywhere these days and consumers have come to rely on this revolutionary technology. Marketers simply can’t escape its growing popularity and voice search is completely changing what pops up for certain searches.

To improve your company’s status online, you should consider re-evaluating your digital marketing strategies and focus on optimizing your ranking for voice searches.


The rise of this AI-based technology has streamlined customer communications with brands. Chatbots make it possible for numerous people to ask questions through websites and social media channels and receive swift, accurate responses.

These virtual assistants have made customer service easier than ever before and save businesses both valuable resources and money. You definitely don’t want to miss out on this technology!

There you have it, all the digital marketing trends to keep an eye out for this year. If you’re in need of additional support in the digital marketing department, drop us a line today. We’ll make sure your business stays up-to-date on the latest happenings in digital marketing!